Why and How I started the blog

Sat Jun 17, 2023 | 474 Words | 3 Minute

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Hi, my name is Sergej and I have been a software developer for nearly 10 years now. I studied CS and was a trainee for some time. Currently, I am working as a software engineer for a company that specializes in software for the cruise industry. If you want to read more about this, look at About me.

As I am developing different stuff in my job and in my private time, I wanted to share my experiences with others, and that is the reason why I wanted to start a blog.


Maybe you are interested in the technologies I used to create this blog. There are some great tools out there to create blogs in a matter of minutes e.g. Jekyll or Astro.

As I have an interest in learning GoLang, I was looking into a solution that uses it. That is when I encountered Hugo. It was very easy to get started with it, as the documentation was good.

For the styling part, I wanted to try something different than I am used to. Normally I use Bootstrap but I once heard about Bulma and so I decided to get my hands dirty with it. In the beginning, it was very good to use, but after some time, I encountered some problems in my use cases. I will write about this in more detail in a different blog post. I started out writing normal CSS, not some preprocessor like SASS or SCSS. Furthermore, I will change this in the future and document the way to do it.

For automatically uploading after a successful build, I am using GitHub Workflows. This should be enough for now on the technological part.

As this blog right now is not really perfect, as the lighthouse check is not perfect, and some other enhancements are around the corner, you will encounter new styles and much more here. At the most interesting points, I will document it and show how to do it in Hugo.

What can you expect?

Well, you can expect nearly everything tech-related. I am going to write about bugs and how I solved them, new technologies, best practices, and much more. I will not focus on only one thing, as I develop different things, from CI stuff to backend and frontend mobile and web apps. Be sure to follow me on the different social media platforms and stay tuned.


My goal with this blog is to help others get into tech, solve problems, and show the different stuff you can create. If you have any questions and want to contact me, you can take a look at my social media or contact me via mail at [email protected].

If you have any suggestions on what I should write or talk about, please contact me and tell me what you are interested in.

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